Theoretical Physics Division

Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tel:+86 10 882343565



Peng Guang Xiong (Associate Professor of Physics)

Born in Shandong Province, China (1966).

Sept. '82-July '87: Central China Normal University, major in physics, received a Bachelor of Science.
Sept. '89-June '91: Central China University of Science and Technology, major in administration of higher education, received the Bachelor of Education.
Sept. '93-June '98: Nankai University, major in theoretical physics, received a Ph.d. of science.

Research experience:
Jul. 98-June '00: Postdoc at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Mar.-May '01: Visiting Scholar at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud, INFN, Italy .
Jul. '01-Aug. '02: Scientific researcher of FONDECYT, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.
Sept.-Dec. '02: Visiting scientist at the Institut des Sciences Nucleaires, IN2P3.
Apr.-Dec. '04: Advanced visiting scientist at the Center for Theoretical Physics, Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Deparment of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
July '00-present: Professor of Physics, IHEP, Beijing, China.

Research Field:
Strangeness physics, quark matter, color superconductivity, chiral condensates, QGP and QCD, gauge theory, string theory, quantum gravity, neutrino physics, nucleus-nucleus interactions at medium and high energy, spin physics, medium effect on hadrons and nuclear EOS, hadronic physics, astrophysics etc.

Typical works in recent years:
1. G.X.Peng, Renormalization group dependence of the QCD coupling, Phys.Lett.B 634 (2006) 413-418, doi.
2. G.X.Peng, X.J.Wen, Y.D.Chen, New solutions for the color-flavor locked strangelets, Phys.Lett.B 633 (2006) 314-318, doi.
3. G.X.Peng, Thermodynamic correction to the strong interaction in the perturbative regime, Europhys.Lett. 72 (2005) 69-75, doi.
4. G.X.Peng, Chiral condensates and size of the sigma term, Nucl.Phys.A 747 (2005) 75-83. MIT-CTP 3516. ScienceDirect.
5. G.X.Peng, M.Loewe, U.Lombartdo, X.J.Wen, A new treatment of the in-medium chiral condensates, Nucl.Phys.B? (Proc.Suppl.) 133 (2004) 259-264, doi.
6. G.X.Peng, H.C.Chiang, P.Z.Ning, U.Lombardo, M.Loewe, Chiral condensates in quark and nuclear matter, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 18 (2003) 3151-3174, doi.
7. G.X.Peng, U.Lombardo, M.Loewe, H.C.Chiang, Another approach to the in-medium chiral condensate, Phys.Lett.B 548 (2002) 189-195, doi.
8. G.X.Peng, H.C.Chiang, B.S.Zou, P.Z.Ning, S.J.Luo, Thermodynamics, strange quark matter, and strange stars, Phys.Rev.C 62 (2000) 025801, doi.
9. G.X.Peng, H.C.Chiang, J.J. Yang, L.Li, B.Liu, Mass formulas and thermodynamic treatment in the mass-density-dependent model of strange quark matter, Phys.Rev.C 61 (2000) 015201, doi.
10.G.X.Peng, H.C.Chiang, P.Z.Ning, B.S.Zou, Charge and critical density of strange quark matter, Phys.Rev.C 59 (1999) 3452, doi.,+G+X